Sunday, May 8, 2011

She lives!!

Y'all, I am still here! I know you were starting to worry, but everything is okay. Last weekend, our church hosted a conference which kept us very busy, and Jase and I had a houseful of friends that came into town for the meetings.

Our friends Jason and Olivia stayed with us for a few days before moving back to America. Sad face. Jason and Olivia just had their 6th child, a sweet baby girl. So yes-- if you're into math you'll be realizing that we had 9 children in the house. Nine children 8 years old and under. And 6 adults.

Here's my three and their three oldest at the park, along with a friend thrown in for good measure.

The kids had so much fun together--it was like a 4 day slumber party. And Jason and I were amazed at the monumental logistics it took to move our friends back across the ocean. A minibus (well, practically), 60 boxes shipped, 14 huge suitcases weighed carefully, untold numbers of diapers for a newborn and twin 18 month olds...I'm breaking out in hives just thinking about it. We are so grateful for the time we got to spend together, even if it was slightly insane. Love y'all!

And wouldn't ya know it, during the busiest week that we've had in months, both of our cars decided to give us trouble. Tuesday morning, as Jason closed the boot (trunk) of his car, the driver's side window shattered. For no discernible reason. Then the next day, while that car was getting a new window, our other car wouldn't start. Then, when we finally got the broken window car back and sent the other off, the doors wouldn't unlock. We had to get Ava out of bed to climb through the little hidey hole in the boot into the backseat and unlock the doors manually. Life is strange sometimes.

And guess what? This here is my 300th blog post! Can you believe that I've enriched your lives 300 times, at least? I know! You are so welcome. Feel free to go into detail of how I've done this in the comments! But seriously, to celebrate I've decided to post every day throughout the rest of May. I'll also be linking to some of my favorite posts from days of yore. And with 300 posts, that a whole lotta yore! Know what that means? Your May just got a teensy bit more awesome.

Hope all you mamas out there have a fantastic Mother's Day. I am sending you smooches.

And Grace just finished eating some dirt, in your honor.

Oh! And in reference to my Two Truths and a Lie, you guys totally nailed it! Apparently, I am a terrible liar. In no way did I reorganize my pantry--it is a disaster and I'm still nervous to go in there, especially at night. Oh, and Ganeida, your rat story--I don't know if it's true, but you'll be happy to know that it's what I thought of before going to sleep at night for at least 3 nights. Yay!


  1. I feel guilty even saying anything about your not posting because I selfishly look for your post each day, but I seldom comment. Just makes me feel better to hear from you. Love seeing pics of your precious family. Love You!

  2. Happy Mother's day again! Hope you guys are having a bit of a quieter and more restful week this week, you guys are amazing! truly!

  3. A post everyday of May (apart from the first week already gone, tee hee) in addition to the gazillion texts we exchange..... yay! You always have a way of making me smile, thanks for you and your blogging ways!

  4. What a delightful treat to look forward to! I love your vignettes of life so far away. Since we can't see you in person, it's great to have your posts. Go girl!
