Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Six Weeks

Grace is six weeks old today. Today, I took her to get her first round of immunizations. I talked to her about it beforehand, preparing her for what was to come. Because that is the kind of mother I am. I was hoping she could be mature about it, given her advancing age. I mean, why scream and cry about what is, (a)necessary, and (b)preventative of big, scary illnesses? In hindsight, maybe I shoulda shown her some photos of what measles, mumps and rubella can do to a person. Cause no, she just cried and got all ticked anyway. I'm just gonna say this--sometimes she is kind of babyish.

But in memory of happier times, here are some pics I took this morning to commemorate her being six weeks old.

This morning's unpleasantness aside, she is a real sweetie. And still so itty bitty! When we are out with her, people often think we are fresh out of the hospital. Well, I guess being petite just runs in our family. Umm, sure. Anyway.


  1. She has already changed so much! She looks a lot like her big sister. I want to see her in person. Give her and all your youngins hugs and kisses from Aunt Kathy

  2. What a cutie (I may have said that before, sorry for unoriginality). Shame she's displaying such immature behaviour though. Still, there's plenty of time for her to get to grips with these things. It must be, what, four weeks until her next set?

  3. She is such a little doll. She is as lovely as her siblings and her parents!! Hugs to all

  4. How sweet! And I think it is nice that she is staying little for you.

  5. I think sometimes I cried as much as the babies when they got shots.

    What a punkin she is! I love those crooked baby smiles, and I so want to sniff that sweet baby head! Sigh! I haven't held a baby in a long while...

  6. You must quash infant rebellion as soon as it presents itself.

    (Grace, if your mama is too mean come live with your Aunt Becky.)

  7. Shhhhh... little does Matron know but, Papa and I are slipping Gracie in our carry-on and bringing her to her ancestral home( the South).I just can't figure how to slip Ava and Nate in too.

  8. wow, how cute! and boy does she look like Ava!!! I guess it will make Ava proud to know her sister is taking after her:)

  9. She is so beautifull! I wish i was there to hold her!

  10. She is so gorgeous! Beautiful!!

  11. Today I learned that if you tap puppies on the nose, they're distracted while they get their shots. Maybe you ought to try that. I'm gonna try it on Julie next time she gets an IV.
