Sunday, May 13, 2012


I'm feeling better now, thanks. You know how it is! So ragey and stabby! Friday, I went and bought myself 2 pairs of boots for Mother's Day. When I got home, I showed Jase and said, "I bought these shoes. You got anything to say about that?"

That's how it is. You know, don't you?

P.S. Happy Mother's Day, mamas. Boots for all!

P.P.S. Sorry about the PMS TMI.


  1. Jason, avoid direct eye contact and slowly back away to a defensible position!

  2. Amy, you totally deserve two pairs of boots, really! I bet Jason agreed wholeheartedly.

    1. I really didn't give him any other option.

  3. I'm still laughing at your "evil b from h"!

    This will all be over soon and you will totally forget what a pain in the ass it was, seriously. But you'll still have the boots!

    1. Radiation is fleeting, but footwear is forever!

  4. lol Becky! Yes, Amy big picture here...the boots woman, the boots! :) I love your honesty.

  5. Amy, I posted earlier but I guess it never took..I loved your post.Jon and I still laughing. We are getting excited about our yearly mountain house trip, we leave on the 23rd to go up. Hoping we will get to see Becky and the family, but not for sure yet. We love you guys, pray for you often. xoxo

    1. Thanks, girl! :)!Enjoy your time in NC! Xo

  6. Never TMI! Were woman, that's what we do....say it like it is so nobody has to wonder. Ha! If it makes you feel any better, I am on the same schedule and felt like killing my kids for chewing to loud the other day. Weeeellll....they should know better by now. Ha!

  7. Sounds one hundred percent like this pregnancy. I'm beyond mean and fussy and tired and awful to be around. Could have had that same conversation about boots with David. Really, really hope you feel better soon sweet girl!!! I am so sorry you're going through this.

  8. One of my favorite things to see on the internet is a screenshot of a text convo between you and Becky. It always makes me want to raise the bar on my own texting.

  9. Funny, too funny Amy! Don't think Jason could do anything about those boots. Hihihi! This too will pass. xx
